Monday, October 14, 2013

CJ is 1 Month Old!

Our sweet little baby is now 1 month old. 

  CJ continues to grow and grow! He currently gets 35ml of fortified (24 calorie) breast milk every 3 hours. Ever since I cut dairy out of my diet, we have been lucky that his stomach issues seem to have disappeared. 
  He continues to have his crannula and is on Vapotherm O2. He likes to hang out  around 25-27% O2  and on a flow of 4.0. His red blood cell count is low. At his last check, his count was at 30 and a count of 29 or lower constitutes a blood transfusion. Tomorrow, his RBC gets checked again and we are anticipating that he will be getting a transfusion. We are hoping that this will help to give him the little push he needs to wean off his O2. 
   CJ recently got his PICC line out since he is up to his full feedings! 
  His head looks amazing without his PICC line antennae! Since his PICC line came out, he gets to wear clothes! His nurse surprised me with this onesie as his first outfit...
Of course I cried from love and happiness, not to mention the thoughtfulness of his nurse! 
 We continue to have our special skin to skin time daily. It is by far our most favorite time of day! 
 CJ also got to meet a very special friend who will be by his side through thick and thin...
Mr. Monkey....neither one was very impressed with each other. 
  Our baby has grown so much! He is now 4.1 pounds!! 
  We have taken the next step in his feeding and have been trying some non-nutritive sucking at the breast. He has been doing so well! I couldn't be more proud of him! I also got to give him his first bath! 
  He was so relaxed during it and loved getting his hair washed and brushed...and of course, being all clean and snuggled afterwards! 

Dear Sweet Miracle CJ, 
    You've made it. These words are more precious than you can ever know. Medically, you weren't supposed to make it. We never gave up on you. You were the baby we prayed to have added to our family. You complete us and make our family whole. We have fought so hard for your survival and never once did you give up. 
   I hope that you know how incredibly loved you are and how many people have prayed for you and continue to pray for you. We can't wait to get you home, but we know that you are in the best possible care with the incredible staff of nurses and doctors. Oh how the nurses love you! You have your main nurses that request you whenever they work and any time a new nurse gets to take care of you they fall in love with you too!  CJ, you melt my heart every moment I get to spend with you. As soon as I get to your side, you sense I'm there. You start squirming and as soon as I start taking to you, you open your eyes and look for me right away. 
   You are starting to look more and more like your big bro every day. You are so laid back for such a fighter, your strength is amazing. 
   I love you so very much, my miracle baby. 
  Love , Mommy

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